Saturday, October 25, 2008

Archery rocks!

What better way to spend a beautiful autumn day together as a family...

It was great. Hubster set up an "archery place" in the backyard and we shot arrows for about four hours. Iggy and Ooky went from having mom and dad load the arrows into their (borrowed from a cousin) bow, and sometimes shooting past the backstop Hubster had loading arrows into the bow THEMSELVES and shooting pretty consistently in the same spot. They were heavily supervised, was totally an all-family thing. We had a blast! The weather was beautiful and we had an awesome time.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...

Ruralmama said...

How fun! Gordy wants to teach the girls archery too; but first we both would have to teach ourselves. LOL.

Awesome time there; glad you had a good weekend.

Amy Dingmann said...

Jay and I both learned when we were little. It was really fun teaching the boys, and it didn't take them long to catch on. We should have you down for an archery day sometime...if the weather would be a blast!

jbantau said...

That looks so fun.