Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Warriors of the Woods

Today was a big day of exploring the woods, both at a park about an hour away (we had to do deliveries for my mom) and then in our backyard. Lots of animal tracks to be found, and lots of first signs of fall approaching!

We even took an adventurous dip by way of the back yard rope swing...and learned that at some point, its just not ok to be dippin' in the water anymore. "So, um, Mom. At what point does water freeze?" I'm telling you, the water was unbelievably cold! It was a quick walk back to the house...followed by a warm bath!

All in all, another awesome day with my homies!


Ruralmama said...

Oh! You guys look like you are having a blast! I gotta remember to get my darned camera out when I leave the house... so often it just sits in the basement, lonely!

Good pics!

Nichole said...

Love the rope swing pic! What a classic little boy shot. Can you believe that neither of my kids have ever done that??